Carol Maanyatja Golding


 Carol Maayatja Golding was born at Walu rockhole not far from Warakurna.
This is a special story. Carol's father was born at Tjukurla Pirni, a number of important rockhole soaks located between Warakurna and Wanarn. Carol explains the story. "My father was born here, I love this place, you can always get water. The Tjulpa birds used to live there, there were lots of them. They'd fly around country, they'd collect kampurarrpa (bush raisins). One day something happened and they finished, maybe the water ran out? You might still see them somewhere, but I can't tell you anymore. This is my place and Land Management have built metal spiders that sit over the rockholes so the camels don't break them and spoil the water."