Dennis Nona


Story: Celalal Yana is a basket woven by women that was used to gather small shellfish as well as bush fruit and berries such as Birri-Birri and ubar.

The bush fruit and berries were picked during Koki or the time of the North Westerly winds that followed the Solal or turtle mating season.

The shell fish collected were small pippies and another species called Budi that were found on the rocks on the shore line.

The image inside the baskets depicts a man collecting these small shell fish.  The shapes outside the basket are the pippies.

The artist has created the image of a basket by embossing the actual woven fibre used in making the baskets into the soft ground on an etching plate.  The plate has been etched and cut to the shape of the basket.  The pippies have been printed from separate plates.  The image of the rope handle or Urru has been created in the same way.