Boliny Wanambi


Bark Painting
132 x 57 cm

Bamurrnu is a monolithic rock standing in the mouth of Trial Bay submerged within its waters. The waters of Gurkawuy River flow out through Trial Bay past these rocks conflicting and clashing in a turbulent unity with the incoming tidal waters from the deep ocean.
Yoinu if this area speak of a hole submerged under the rock, from where bubbles are seen rising to the surface, sometimes bursting forth with a rush. The bubbles are seen as a life force and a direct Ancestral connection for the Marrakulu.
In sacred song, Bamurrunu, a sacred solitary rock in the mouth of Trial Bay is a statue of ancestral spirit.
When the Marrakulu perform ritual dance for the events depicted in this painting participants move towards a held spear representing the steadfastness of the rock, splitting the dancers who then surrond the rock known as Bamurrunu moving as does the sea to song and rhythm of Yidaki and Bilma
Bamurrnu is a spiritual focus for an alliance of clans who share identity connected with the felling of the Stringybark tree (the special ancestral name of which is Wanambi- the artists surname) by ancestral being Wuyal.
This piece is employing the miny'tji or sacred design of this mixed water known as Gudultja. It also casts the design in turbulent confusion.


National Museum of Australia, Canberra

Berndt Museum of Anthropology, University of WA, Perth

Felton Foundation, Santa Monica, CA, USA

Colin and Liz Laverty, sydney

Kerry Stokes Collection - Larrakitj, Perth, WA

National Gallery of Australia